Final devlog b4 the End

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE OUT THERE THAT PARTICIPATED IN THIS GAME JAM! We look forward to playing your games. Please feel free to comment and RATE our game, we'd love to hear about your gameplay experience!

One last update before the Jam officially commences. A special thanks to all of the members of our Game Jam Team, KT stayed up all night  writing a new gameplay mechanic, thank you KT.

and.... its the shrink ability!

In the depths of the last night of working on the game jam KT brings to the table a new game mechanic.

Press X

Inphinatea went FULL SIGMA and stayed up all night reworking the cover art. 

New biome background installed.

New Enter Your Name background.

Mouse Support.

We had a lot of great ideas for this game and a lot more features that we wanted to add, but only had a short amount of time to complete this game. While we didn't get everything we wanted into the game, we are still excited about the outcome. 

Here is a quote from the lead game dev NobleZim, letting us know enough is enough. 

"We are at a freeze, nothing more will be added at this moment. We would be risking breaking the game completely right before the submission deadline

I would also like to apologize to anyone that feels like their work wasn’t used or featured in the game. Just know that if we had more time, we would have added more. It’s nothing personal, and everyone’s work contributed to what the game is, and if we had more time to work on it, we would have incorporated more" - Noblezim

Thank you again to everyone on the team for all of the hard work and effort you put into making this fun little game over the past few days!


dragon sleeping

made by senehm

purple bat

made by web gnar at 3am


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